How to Ensure Valentine's Day is Filled with Self-Love No Matter Your Relationship Status

Valentine’s Day can be a rather divisive holiday depending on whether you’re taken or single. All it takes is a change of perspective to make this holiday positive for everyone. If we focused on the self-love aspect of love, there would be less need for validation externally. Regardless of your relationship status, there should be an element of self-love today and everyday, While grand gestures are always welcome, it’s beneficial to take time and appreciate yourself too. After all, who can love you better than yourself?


Remember That You Complete Yourself

You should feel complete independent of another entity no matter your relationship status. Personally, I see relationships as an enhancement to what you already have. As a single person, this is a great time to better yourself and focus on what you love unapologetically. In a pairing, this is a great reminder to take time to cultivate hobbies and interests that are unique to yourself. Take a moment to congratulate yourself on dedicating time for yourself to grow and develop. If not, take some time this month to reclaim some of your individuality and independence!

Expect Less and Give Yourself More

Expectations can lead to disappointment if there is a mismatch. Valentine’s Day and social media definitely add to the pressure for many couples and single people Whether it’s expecting flowers or to find someone to spend the day with, expectations are all around. Try to just go with the flow for once and let things happen. Don’t compare the actions of one individual to those of past partners or the partners of others. If you want something specific go out and get it or even manifest it. As long as you aren’t just sitting and waiting on something to happen that is outside of your control. Treat yourself to flowers, chocolate or even dinner today and whenever you need a moment to appreciate how far you’ve come.

Feel Love for Yourself and Others Everyday

It may be a cliche but Valentine’s Day should not be the only day to celebrate love for others or even yourself. Love and gratitude should be a daily practice. Try starting your day with daily affirmations and envisioning yourself at your best. Spread positivity and love in all your social circles whenever you can and that energy will surely return. When you embody the love you know you deserve, it will flow into your life in unexpected ways. I firmly believe that your vibrations attract likewise, therefore it’s imperative to stay elevated. We surely give and attract love as an exchange of energy and its a practice that is needed daily and not just once a year.

I hope that these three bits of advice help re-frame your perspective on Valentine’s Day! Hopefully, over time the focus on Valentine’s Day will be on what you have and not what you lack. Through acts of self love, we can truly embrace ourselves. The more love we give ourselves, the more we can share love with others. I wish you all a Happy Valentine’s Day and send you all my love as well.


Christine Celine