25 Lessons at 25


I turn 25, today, December 23rd and I feel like this was a year filled with a lot of growth and reflection. It may have been my hardest year yet but I want to focus on all the good moments experienced. As hard as my year was, it was equally rewarding. I am so thankful for all the lessons learned and look forward to learning more as time goes on.

  1. Practice gratitude and understand why.

    It is one thing to be thankful but it is another to actually have a purpose behind it. Instead of having empty gratitude, I have learned to be specific. I have found that this adds meaning, substance and makes for a more fulfilled perspective on life.

  2. You’re exactly where you are meant to be at this moment.

    As frustrating as this sounds, it is true. Every moment, no matter how dull, is leading up to something greater in your path. I had to learn to accept my situation as it was this year and be patient. Lo and behold, better things always came along when I least expected it.

  3. Stop doubting yourself and your purpose.

    Earlier this year, I was filled with self-doubt and it showed. I was doubtful and unsure of my abilities and competencies. Impostor syndrome really will break you down but it is important to note that you are capable and able. You can do it.

  4. Take risks and you will be rewarded.

    Nothing in life is ever gained without shooting your shot. You have to risk it sometimes to yield returns. It may be creative risks or financial. It could even be allowing yourself to be a little more vulnerable romantically. Whatever it may be, you won’t know if you don’t try.

  5. Do not let fear keep you from truly living your life.

    I’ve always hesitated to do things out of fear. The fear of being judged or not being perfect is immobilizing. I have learned to put those fears aside and just live life. It is okay if you make a mistake but at least you experienced something rather than nothing.

  6. Being self-sufficient doesn’t mean you have to do everything alone.

    I always thought that independence meant doing everything on your own. However, it takes a village. You truly need to lean on others in tough times. Accepting support is not a sign of weakness.

  7. Show up for your friends in whatever way you can.

    I may not be the perfect friend but I am trying to show up and be there in any capacity. I have learned that in doing so, I have been able to strengthen and nurture the right relationships over time.

  8. Your friends might be far away but they’re not going anywhere.

    One thing I always felt guilty of was turning down social events in lieu of responsibilities such as work and school. I felt my friends growing closer as the distance between us grew. However, as I graduated from both undergrad and graduate school, I have come to realize that they didn’t go anywhere. A true friend will be there when you need them.

  9. Let go of petty things and people that no longer add to your life.

    If it doesn’t bring you peace or positive vibes, you do not need it. Every relationship has a lesson and a season. Learn from it, let go and move onto a higher vibration.

  10. Trust your instincts.

    If your gut is telling you something is off, then it very well most likely is. Follow your intuition because it leads you in the right direction and protects you.

  11. Be confident.

    Confidence comes from within and when you exude that authentic version of yourself, it shines. This year, I found that whenever I held my head high and carried myself well, I felt empowered and ready to take on the day.

  12. Vulnerability is truly a gift, don’t shy away from it.

    Between consistent jokes about not knowing was emotions are and being closed off, I have begun trying to open up more to those around me. In those moments of vulnerability, there is strength. Vulnerability leads to authenticity and true connections being forged.

  13. Protect your energy.

    This is my biggest lesson yet. I’m trying my hardest to keep exterior events from affecting my internal state of mind and being. Of course, this is subtly challenging and I find myself regressing here and there. I’ve learned practice makes perfect and I will continue to remove any negativity from the space around me and refrain from getting caught up in toxic behaviors.

  14. Self-care but make it SUBSTANTIAL.

    Self-care has been commercialized into buying more or treating oneself. Here, I am referring to actual self-care. The kind that makes you put in the hard work to take care of yourself: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Whether it is reading self-improvement books, exercising or treating yourself with kindness, there are a lot of ways to make it count and better your life.

  15. Don’t settle and let them chase you.

    I was ready to settle for the bare minimum at one point before realizing that I am worth so much more. I’ve learned to raise my expectations and hold those in my life accountable. If they care, they will make the same effort as I. There is no second-guessing or questions about it.

  16. It’s the little things in life that are the most heartwarming.

    The other day, I once again was reminded that it’s the little things in life that matter more than we think. A simple check in on a friend or reminding someone that you’re there for them can really make an impact.

  17. Start today, you’re one step closer to your goal.

    This advice is so applicable in my life thus far. From the gym to this blog/YouTube channel, starting is one step of many towards reaching any goals set in place. The next one is to stay consistent.

  18. Make time for family and people that matter.

    I realized that I wasn’t prioritizing the people in my life who truly wish well for me after I ended my recent relationship. Once I began to do so, I noticed that love flowed in abundance because I accepted it and allowed it into my life. I shared my happiness and we supported one another. It made those around me reciprocate the same energy.

  19. Stop apologizing for every single thing.

    I say sorry, A LOT. Even when I don’t need to apologize. I’ve learned to stand my ground and make my apologies meaningful and count. There’s no need to shrink yourself to accommodate others around you.

  20. Don’t be so quick to react.

    I know I can be quite quick to jump the gun and it always leads to trouble. As I get older, I am making a conscious effort not to jump to conclusions and hear the other side of the story.

  21. Surround yourself with diversity.

    When you surround yourself with people from all walks of life, it will open your eyes to different customs and perspectives. I love hearing different opinions and being shown how others live. It keeps me grounded and more open to experiences.

  22. It is all temporary.

    These moments are fleeting and this too shall pass. Cherish the good and stay strong to endure the not so good. At the end of the day, nothing is yours and you are just a guest on this earth.

  23. Stop Trying to be perfect.

    Perfection is a myth. As humans, we are flawed and we are constantly improving. I’ve learned to keep it real and moving. I own up to my flaws and accept my current self as she is. It’s honestly better that way because it’s relatable and much less stressful.

  24. you can always start over/reinvent yourself.

    Nothing is ever set in stone, which is a relief. You can always reinvent yourself or start over if you need. Life is about adapting and pursuing your passions. Some of which will change over time. Don’t ever feel guilty about no longer loving something or picking up a new interest. Each day, we start anew anyway.

  25. Focus on the positive, even on your darkest days.

    This year was not easy and I can’t even begin to get into the details. It very well may have been the darkest timeline. Yet, I am ending the year on a high note because I invested in focusing on the positive. Without the low lows, there would never be any high highs. This year was filled with mishaps but there was a silver lining around every corner. Perspective really affects your perception of events! Keep it positive.


With the new year and another chapter in the books, I’m really looking forward to taking these lessons along for the adventure of a lifetime in 2020. I’ve never felt more invigorated or excited for a fresh slate. I’m so thankful for every person that has come into my life thus far. Thank you for the wildest times, most intense emotions and all-encompassing love that I’ve experienced. I love you all so very much and I wish you the happiest of holidays.


Christine Celine